Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kindaa, Lotsaa Activities

oh hey! im back yo!, sowee i ddnt write anything at all this past few days,,, erm why? cos every time im in the from of the pc , my sis sits next to me! i dun even have any privacY! LOL.. arrr.. we are umm, watching some clips about cwalk vids and stuff~ and i kinda envy her cos she umm watcha call this discovered a creW, and the crew is so pretty cooL! haha,, i aint telling yoU what crew! [jealous much?;LMAO]

so hyeeaaH, as i told you the day before this,

the umm huh! yea, the day before this.. my group mates in our research met and then we need to canvass wood because its our main thing to study, such as breaking strength or..or..thermal conductivity~ lewL,, and we went to this lumberyard and mostly people who will go there are businessmen... and in our dialect its like,
man: naai mga tawo, padulong [somebody's commin]
we: unsaon man?[what shall we do,; (pushing & pushing each other lol)]
man: sus mga bata ra man d i! [oh they are just little kids]
man: aysus [hmph]
we: aii [aii?]

and we are kindaa ... "huh"

ouh before we got into there~ we aaaa rode a kalesa.. its a ride where there is a kalesa driver and the one who runs it is the horsy horsy! yay! its it was just a 5 peso ride horaaH! it was so fun.. we have lotsaaa one here in or city~ and its my 1st time~ 1st time now ~ loL~ have never rode before cos, i always ride jeepney or bus or private car ...or prefer hiking or biking,, lol not now cos my bike is sicK~ got flat tires and stinky rusty!

so then we need to find another lumberyard yo! so we rode a sikad sikad.. in other words~ sidecar yo! xD.. so we also went to the ummmm to the garden Yard, is that watcha call it~
so ho ho~ there are lotsaa plants, just like the plants u can see in the petSociety in FB~ lewl so refreshing, and was kinda tired finding the wood..o.0

So we rode a jeepney back to IIT then we went to sch and discussed about problems and concerns of our research...yeH~ so done. and yea i bought C2 lewl,, i better like the red one yeah!

I wish i bought camera.. LAWL

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